says Strategic Approaches to UX Research says Strategic Approaches to UX Research
Image of Jared Spool

June 3 – 7, 2024
Intensive led by
Jared Spool.

Strategic UX Research is
changing organizations.
Get ready to change yours.

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Unbottle potential. Strategic UX Research is a force multiplier.

Make everyone in your organization the world’s foremost experts on your users and customers.

Image of Witch's Hat
Image of Magnifying Glass says Strategic Approaches to UX Research

Lead your executives to make critical business decisions based on your UX research. Stop the guessing.

Get ready: Strategic UX Research is the Next Big Thing.

Get ready to connect your organization’s long-term direction and strategy directly to your customers’ and users’ deepest needs.

Awaken your top executives to the value that great user experiences bring to your organization and the people you serve.

Give your senior stakeholders and executives a detailed, shared understanding of your customers’ and users’ experiences. They’ll use your Strategic UX Research to set the business’ direction, determine where to invest, and focus the entire organization’s long-term and short-term objectives on prioritizing improved experiences.

Your new Strategic UX Research efforts will change the relationships your senior executives and stakeholders will have with everyone who will benefit from your products and services. It’s a profound transformation that restructures how your organization makes essential decisions.

Join us starting on June 3 and start leading your organization through this powerful, game-changing transformation.

How Strategic UX Research is different from what’s practiced today.

Most teams today practice Tactical UX Research. Their work rarely affects more than a specific feature or product.

Their research results only describe immediate recommendations or changes that will improve the product slightly.

Tactical UX Research rarely improves our understanding of users or what they need in the long term. This understanding never reaches the organization’s upper levels. The most critical decisions, like budgets, staffing, and priorities, don’t consider the users’ experiences. Yet these decisions affect whether the team will have what it needs to deliver a great user experience.

Conversely, Strategic UX Research is about attaining a deeper understanding of all the different users and their individual experiences. Everyone, including the executive team, learns more about what makes an excellent experience for users, employees, and customers and how to improve their current experiences.

These experiences go beyond using the organization’s products or services. They include what happens before, during, and after someone has interacted with the product. Strategic UX Research uncovers the entirety of people's experiences.

Research teams orchestrate deep-hanging-out sessions with customers and users. They collect observations and insights that show what a day in the life of users could be like. They combine different experiences with the product or service across the user’s lifetime and connect this all together to show a detailed journey.

In this intensive, you’ll discover the basic principles of Strategic UX Research:

  • Build deep expertise about users and their needs.
  • Focus the organization on improving the daily lives of customers, users, and employees.
  • Combine UX and CX practices to collect knowledge from every touch point.
  • Study holistic experiences instead of small slices of a product’s features.
  • Feed the research results into every outcome and decision.

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Stop squeezing UX research into impossibly tight schedules (or skipping it all together).

Make it essential to how your organization works.

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T.H., Design Consultant

Attending the five-day intensive only makes me wish I also signed up for the VIP sessions!

Each day’s takeaways are built upon the next to thread the story and explain a mature way of looking at human-centric design and user experience to the product team. I connected with new friends and members, which was an unexpected bonus!

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N.K., Lead Product Designer

After the first session, I was incredibly inspired by topics like “How to translate research findings into executive’s language,” “Strategic research that goes along the lines of where the business is heading,” and “change focus from output to outcome.”

I would definitely recommend this for any UX leader or UXer looking to make a change

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Provide high-quality, human-centered answers before your peers in development and product can

Make your UX Research more strategic, influential, and innovative.

In five 90-minute sessions, uncover how you will:

  • Inspire your organization to build up a deep expertise on the needs of your users and customers.
    • You’ll make strategic decisions from learned knowledge, not from the highest-paid stakeholder’s opinions.
  • Influence strategic business decisions with your comprehensive UX research results.
    • You’ll contribute to your organization’s product roadmap based on what users genuinely need and want.
  • Create a continuous UX research process, strengthening everyone’s prowess of what great design looks like.
    • You’ll stop squeezing research into tight deadlines because you will have already done the hard work.
  • Grow your organization’s Strategic UX Research capabilities to meet the demands of fast-moving teams.
    • You’ll increase everyone’s understanding of quality research, creating the desire to conduct more.
  • Prevent your UX research efforts from being undervalued and the first to be cut.
    • Your senior executives will champion even more research because they now see how the entire organization treasures it.

Strategic UX Research increases your team’s confidence.

Everyone can see you’re building a product that is the right solution. Your research will uncover the right problem to solve, which will make considerable improvements in the lives of your users and customers.

Customers value organizations that provide positive improvements in their lives.

You’ve seen organizations that have reached the top of their industry because they delivered products and services that solved essential challenges their customers face. Transform your organization into an industry leader when you deliver innovative experiences.

How this Intensive works.

This is an online workshop unlike any other you’ve ever experienced. We call it an intensive because, well, it’s intense.

This intensive is an advanced program for UX, product, and development practitioners who already understand the basics of user experience. It will push you into new territory, exploring concepts and approaches you’ve likely never seen before.

Yet, once you hear Jared Spool explain them, you’ll feel like these ideas make complete sense. That’s because they’re a natural next step to your lived experience.

Every moment of every session presents new ideas and explores original ways to approach UX research practice. Past attendees have told us they feel like what they learned revitalized their careers.

The intensive consists of five 90-minute sessions, each led by Jared Spool. We hold each session twice, at 12pm (16.00 GMT) and 6pm (22.00 GMT). You can attend either session. Jared will be at both to answer your questions.

Plus, each session’s recording is available the next day. That way, if you miss one, you can catch up quickly.

You'll receive our Strategic UX Research Leadership Guide and detailed notes for each session. This essential guide will help you reflect on your team’s current practices and plan the next steps for your organization’s Strategic UX Research transformation

You’ll have questions. We’re ready for that. Each 90-minute session will give us plenty of time to discuss how you’ll make all this work in your situation.

We’ll also ensure you have the confidence to do this right. We have created a dedicated private area in our Leaders of Awesomeness community. Post your questions there so Jared and the community can share their thoughts.

Discuss the gnarliest of challenges, and you’ll come away with all the assurance you need that you’ve got this.

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Just the fundamentals? Or are you prepared to lead?

The Fundamentals of Strategic UX Research

June 3-7, 2024
90-minute sessions each day
Choose either 12pm ET (17.00 GMT) or 6pm ET (23.00 GMT)

Each day during the week, you’ll attend a 90-minute session containing a new aspect of Strategic UX Research. You can choose the session that is best for your schedule. Jared will be at both to introduce you to the fundamentals and answer your questions.

Right now, you might just be “Strategic UX Research curious.” If so, our The Fundamentals of Strategic UX Research package is precisely what you need.

In the five daily sessions of the Fundamentals package, Jared Spool will introduce all the essential concepts behind Strategic UX Research. You’ll explore how your research will influence your organization’s priorities and demonstrate your value up the org chart.

Instead, you may be ready to start implementing changes. In that case, our Prepare to Lead package is right for you.

With the Prepare to Lead (PTL) package, you get all five sessions from the Fundamentals package and an additional three 90-minute sessions the following week.

These additional sessions cover the implementation details to start your organization’s transformation. We limit the attendance at the PTL sessions, so you’ll get more of Jared’s time to address your particular challenges.

The PTL package also includes a pre-conference session, during which you’ll share your current challenges with Jared. This way, he can tailor the sessions to your needs and supply you with extra resources to give you additional insights into your transformation.

Plus, the PTL package includes a 30-minute one-on-one coaching session with Jared that you can use anytime after the Intensive. He’ll work with you to review what you’ve achieved at that point and collaborate with you on how to proceed with your transformation.

The schedule for Fundamentals Week.

Monday, June 3: Win Influence with a Strategic UX Research Approach

90 minutes at either 12pm or 6pm ET (16.00 or 22.00 GMT)

Earn your “seat at the table” by providing top-grade user and customer insights.

It’s frustrating to know that your organization could deliver better user experiences. Everything you’ve tried has failed to make the executive stakeholders understand how UX benefits your organization’s success.

We start the week on the most important: Expanding your UX research strategy to win critical influence with your executives and your organization. They’ll now see you as a true UX leader.

  • Turn your user research into an essential function that stakeholders won’t arbitrarily cut out of every project.
  • Drive organizational success by establishing outcome-driven objectives.
  • Build your stakeholders’ expertise and understanding of your users and customers by increasing their exposure.
  • Expand the UX research maturity of your organization by upgrading your methods and approaches.

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image of a calendar

Tuesday, June 4: Deliver Better-Designed Products with a Research-Driven Roadmap

90 minutes at either 12pm or 6pm ET (16.00 or 22.00 GMT).

The roadmap is the pivotal place to show the value of Strategic UX Research.

All significant strategic decisions originate in your organization’s product roadmap. The roadmap determines the direction of your products and services, which determines your organization's direction. As a UX leader, the roadmap is your opportunity to have the most influence over user experiences.

Your Strategic UX Research will shape significant product decisions when you anticipate what those decisions will be. The roadmap is your essential fortune-telling device, predicting the future of every team’s work. As a result, your entire organization becomes more knowledgeable about what your users need when you read the roadmap and discern what it subtly is telling you.

  • Move beyond starting each project from scratch and instead begin with an in-depth knowledge of what your users and customers need.
  • Change your organization’s mindset from “we have to build a thing” to “we have to solve a customer’s problem.”
  • Construct your long-term research agenda from the UX outcomes of each item currently on the roadmap.
  • Add market-leading innovations to the roadmap that come directly from gaps you’ve uncovered in your users’ experiences.

Wednesday, June 5: Increase Innovation with Continuous Research

90 minutes at either 12pm or 6pm ET (16.00 or 22.00 GMT)

Spark a holistic shared understanding of your users' experiences.

So much of today’s user research efforts are about squeezing what you learn into refining a close-to-done feature or capability. That changes with Strategic UX Research. Now, you’ll uncover the holistic experiences of your users and customers.

Continuous research shifts everyone away from the project-by-project piecemeal nature of conventional tactical approaches. Your new strategy will drive continuous learning, making everyone more knowledgeable as your team grows its comprehension of the problems and challenges your users and customers regularly face.

  • Turn every decision-maker into the world’s expert on your users and their challenges.
  • Identify the inventive solutions customers will love you for.
  • Be brought into the project much earlier when your stakeholders will consider the most significant and critical decisions.
  • Become a trusted senior advisor that tackles the organization’s top priorities.

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Thursday, June 6: Scale Your Organization’s Research Capabilities

90 minutes at either 12pm or 6pm ET (16.00 or 22.00 GMT).

You can’t do this alone. You’ll need more capability across your organization.

Strategic UX Research is more than a skill or a tool to master. It’s a mindset that drives curiosity and shared understanding about your users, customers, and their needs.

You’ll infuse your organization with that mindset (and the skills and tools to make it work) and drive dramatic change. That change will speed the delivery of better-designed products and services to your customers.

  • Prioritize increasing your organization's exposure to customers and users.
  • Eliminate the lack of confidence caused by stakeholders not genuinely understanding your users.
  • Speed up critical business decisions by having solid user research at every decision-maker’s fingertips.
  • Empower those in the organization who interact with users and customers to become better researchers.

Friday, June 7: Convince Stakeholders of the Full Value of UX

90 minutes at either 12pm or 6pm ET (16.00 or 22.00 GMT)

Connect your research directly to the organization’s highest priorities.

You shouldn’t spend any more time explaining why research is essential. It’s time for action. Produce insightful results that demonstrate the rich value that Strategic UX Research brings.

You need a direct mapping between your excellent research and your executives’ critical priorities. Get the attention of key stakeholders and executives. Supply them with irrefutable, compelling reasons to sponsor your work and champion your outcomes.

  • Move beyond the frustration of “nobody gets UX” when everyone sees its great value.
  • Match UX outcomes directly to the language executives use, making their achievement an organizational top priority.
  • Translate the key frustrations of users and customers into something executives understand: money.
  • Uncover the (often massive) financial implications of delivering poor UX design.

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image of the PTL logo

Ready to implement Strategic UX Research? Join our Prepare to Lead (PTL) package.

With this package, you’ll get exclusive priority time with Jared in extra sessions that dive into the nuances and subtleties of implementing strategic UX Research. You’ll get the tips, techniques, and tricks to ensure your success.

This extended program includes everything from the Fundamentals program.

Plus, you get additional coaching sessions and support before the intensive begins and dedicated PTL-only sessions after it concludes. Jared meets with you to tailor the session contents to your needs. You even get priority access to address your questions first, before others in the Fundamentals program.

This package is only available to the first 60 UX leaders and team members who sign up, so you don’t want to delay.

Additional sessions, only for Prepare to Lead package members:

Before the intensive starts:

PTL-Only Intensive Prep Coaching Sessions

Choose either Tuesday, May 21, or Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
60 minutes each day at either 12pm ET (17.00 GMT) or 6pm ET (23.00 GMT).

This Intensive will change how your organization values, conducts, and benefits from Strategic UX Research. That is, it will if you’re prepared.

Attend one of the Intensive Prep Coaching sessions with Jared Spool before the Intensive begins. He’ll help you devise the best plan.

Getting the most from the Intensive will be different for each UX leader. When you meet with Jared, he’ll ask you for the most important results you want to get from the Intensive.

Then, Jared will pick out specific resources to help you get a headstart on the key concepts.

After the Fundamental sessions:

Prepare to Lead Strategic UX Research

June 10, 11, and 13, 2024
90-minute sessions each day
Choose either 12pm ET (16.00 GMT) or 6pm ET (22.00 GMT)

You’ll attend three 90-minute sessions containing a leadership aspect of Strategic UX Research. You can choose the session each day that is best for your schedule. Jared will lead each session and take your questions.

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Prepare to Lead: What Executives Need from Strategic UX Research

Monday, June 10, 2024
90 minutes at either 12pm ET (16.00 GMT) or 6pm ET (22.00 GMT)

Raise your influence at the executive-team level.

Every decision your executives make affects the experiences your organization delivers to your customers and users. When they make those decisions without research, they’re taking huge risks. Risks that often don’t pan out the way they’d like.

Your Strategic UX Research can reduce those risks. As you build expertise about users and their needs throughout the organization, you’re making it easier to make informed decisions. Those decisions will prioritize improving your users' and customers' lives.

  • Build executive-level expertise in who your users are and what they need from your products and services.
  • Become the leader your executives need you to be so they can rely on your insights to drive the organization in the right direction.
  • Surface the current experiences of your users and customers so your senior stakeholders prioritize the valuable product innovations.

Prepare to Lead: Establishing Outcome-driven UX Metrics

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
90 minutes at either 12pm ET (16.00 GMT) or 6pm ET (22.00 GMT)

Integrate Strategic UX Research results into your UX measurement strategy.

For your executives to see your UX team, you must provide your executive team with UX metrics and goals. These UX metrics must show the team’s value and your contribution.

The last thing you want is for your UX team to be invisible to your executives. Fortunately, Strategic UX Research makes it easy to identify the metrics and goals your executives need.

  • Connect the dots between great UX and business success when you develop metrics based on critical UX outcomes.
  • Establish how great user experiences are for your organization’s success with clear and understandable UX metrics.
  • Uncover how residual expenses accumulate from constantly delivering poorly designed products and services.

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Image of a calendar

Prepare to Lead: Crafting a Compelling UX Vision

Thursday, June 13, 2024
90 minutes at either 12pm ET (16.00 GMT) or 6pm ET (22.00 GMT)

Use Strategic UX Research to make your organization an innovative market leader.

An experience vision is one of the most powerful tools in your UX leaders’ toolbox. A well-crafted experience vision describes your organization's strategic long-term direction.

The vision shows everyone a crystal-clear picture of how awesome your products and services will become. You’ll demonstrate clear improvements in users' and customers' experiences.

  • Use your Strategic UX Research to go beyond what competitors offer and strengthen your organization’s strategic advantage.
  • Guide every product release by prioritizing a human-first approach as you move closer to achieving your vision.
  • Connect your vision to the organization’s top priorities, and persuade executives to become your champion.

Finally, to ensure your success…

PTL-Only 1-on-1 Mentoring Session with Jared Spool

You’ll schedule this at a convenient time

Knowing your challenges is tricky when leveling up your Strategic UX Research. Maybe you’ve encountered obstacles that have you baffled. Or you’ve encountered resistance and objections that have you stopped in your tracks.

Schedule a 1-on-1 mentoring session with Jared and discuss what’s got you stuck. Share what’s happening (or not happening). Jared has worked with many organizations and knows all the tricks to overcome the most challenging obstacles. He’ll give you fresh ideas and insights that will get you moving forward again faster than before.

The Prepare to Lead package includes everything in the Fundamentals of Strategic UX Research package.

Image of Jared Spool

Led by Jared Spool, Maker of Awesomeness

Everything you learn in this Intensive comes directly from Jared’s years of working across industries, discovering the best practices for organizations to deliver well-designed products and services.

His experience working with design leaders of organizations like IBM, NASA, GE, Fidelity Investments, SAP, GM, Exxon Mobil, and the Obama White House has taught him exactly what teams need to mount strategic, influential UX research initiatives.

You’ll love his stories, ability to demonstrate every point with a simple, concrete example, and comically adorable attempts to draw out his ideas. (You can’t fault him for trying, though.)

Most importantly, you’ll love how much brighter you’ll feel after spending a few minutes absorbing his experience-informed wisdom. Don’t pass up this opportunity to glean everything you can from Jared.

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M.C., UX, Product Leader:

These sessions were excellent. Honestly, I could write a 2-page essay on valuable takeaways, but there is one that kept ringing in my ears. It's that people create problems to solve away from the big picture that there is no value in solving.

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C.B., Manager, UX Researcher:

This session came at a perfect time. My team and I looked at the course through the lens of our org’s current state and will leverage the framework to leapfrog ahead together (on behalf of our customers, of course)..

Sign up for the Strategic Approaches to UX Research Intensive

Ready to dive in deep and absorb everything there is to know about strategic UX Research?

We have programs for you to choose from. All you have to do is:

  1. Choose the Fundamentals or the Prepare to Lead packages.
  2. Choose an Individual or Team Price.

Fundamentals of Strategic UX Research package

Individual price per person


Team price per person


Spaces are limited.
They’ll go fast!

What's included:

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Ground-breaking concepts behind:
  • Win Influence with a Strategic UX Research Approach
  • Deliver Better-Designed Products with a Research-Driven Roadmap
  • Increase Innovation with Continuous Research
  • Scale Your Organization’s Research Capabilities
  • Convince Stakeholders of the Full Value of UX
  • Your Strategic UX Research Leadership Guide.
  • Access to extended resources for developing your UX research strategy.
  • Access to extended resources for developing your UX metrics strategy.
  • A private community to get your questions answered by Jared and other members.
  • 9 months of access to all session recordings, Q&As, and notes (through March 14, 2025).
  • A personalized Certificate of Completion for the Strategic Approaches to UX Research Intensive program.

Prepare to Lead Strategic UX Research Package

Individual price per person


Team price per person


Only 60 spaces are available.
They’ll go even faster!

What's included:

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Ground-breaking concepts behind:
  • Win Influence with a Strategic UX Research Approach
  • Deliver Better-Designed Products with a Research-Driven Roadmap
  • Increase Innovation with Continuous Research
  • Scale Your Organization’s Research Capabilities
  • Convince Stakeholders of the Full Value of UX
  • Three 90-minute live sessions. Only for PTL members.
  • Gain confidence with tailored coaching to:
  • What Executives Need from Strategic UX Research
  • Establishing Outcome-driven UX Metrics
  • Crafting a Compelling UX Vision
  • A 60-minute PTL-only Intensive Prep Coaching session with Jared Spool.
  • A 1-on-1 Mentoring Session with Jared Spool.
  • Your Strategic UX Research Leadership Guide.
  • Access to extended resources for developing your UX research strategy.
  • An intimate, private community of only PTL members and the Center Centre team to get the mentoring you need to be successful.
  • 9 months of access to all PTL session recordings, Q&As, and notes (through March 14, 2025).
  • A personalized Certificate of Completion for the Strategic Approaches to UX Research Intensive: Prepare to Lead program.

Can’t join the Intensive live?

Pre-Purchase the Recorded Series.

Watch the lectures on your schedule.

We know that not everyone has the resources to join us live.
That’s ok. You can purchase the Strategic UX Research video series.

Whats included:

  • The lectures from all five Fundamentals sessions and
    their notes.
  • The Strategic UX Research Leadership Guide

The video series will be available on June 17, 2024.

Pre-Order today for $98 for 90-day access.

The price increases to $147 on June 17.

Want to order the video series for multiple team members?
Contact us and let us know how many licenses you’d like.
We’ll get you set up.

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Recording Series Price $98